What to wear on a hot date

As it’s Valentine’s Day this week, I felt compelled to write something about what to wear on a date. Not necessarily a Valentine’s Day date, but any date. The real answer to this is that you should wear whatever the flip you like, of course! Something that you feel good in, something that gives you confidence and makes you feel a bit, well, hot! That’s going to be different for everyone, but if you’re feeling a bit stuck for inspiration, here are some ideas.

Look into my eyes

The way to a man’s heart is not via his stomach, or however the saying goes (not very 2019, is it?). The way to anyone’s hearts is to get them to look you in the eye. Looking someone right in the eyes can make people fall in love, so if that’s what you’d like to happen, then start by wearing something in your eye colour. Most people have multiple colours in their eyes, so have a really good look at your own - take a photo of your eye in daylight and zoom right in. Then look for something in one of your eye colours and wear it. It will really highlight those windows to your soul.

Kiss me quick

As with the eyes, you can wear colours that accentuate your lips. There will be natural reds and plums to do this if you’re wearing a nude lip or lipgloss. Or you could go for a coloured lip in your palette and a matching top. As we’re in red and pink territory, which is the colour of passion anyway, this can be a really good look for a hot date! Although I do think that sometimes a bold lip can get in the way of a good snog, so maybe natural is the way to go.

Dress your portrait

If you’re going out for dinner, pay most attention to your ‘portrait’ area - as in, the area that will be above the table. Yes, wear fabulous shoes and your most amazing bag, but your date will mostly be seeing your portrait area, so do accessorise with earrings or a necklace to help draw attention to your face. Don’t forget nails, rings and bracelets too especially if you talk with your hands. If you’re more natural, just make sure your nails are neat and clean or go for a squoval French manicure. If you’re more dramatic, you probably wouldn’t be seen dead without a mani anyway, so as you were!

Be you!

Ultimately, you should express your personality and not try to be anything other than yourself. If you’re a naturally bold and dramatic dresser, dressing in pastel frills and flounces just isn’t going to cut it. You’ll feel uncomfortable and look at odds with who you really are. So wear whatever you like, but make sure you feel good in it and it’s all you!

What to wear on a hot date