What stops you wearing the clothes you really want to?

I meet a lot of women who are unhappy with their style in some way or another. They might feel stuck in a rut or that their style is boring, safe and too conservative. Or they feel that their clothes don’t flatter them as much as they’d like and they struggle to see what suits them. Most common of all is that they buy lots of clothes, and… you guessed it… have nothing to wear.

If this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone! I found a statistic from some research (1) a couple of years ago that stated 62% of women said they had irrational tantrums as they agonised over their fashion choices. And 33% of men admit to similar tantrums.

So what is stopping us from sorting this out? it really boils down to three things:

  1. Money

  2. Time

  3. Confidence

Let’s talk about these for a minute.


Investing money in your personal style needn’t be all about buying a wardrobe of new clothes. In fact, I think the best place to go shopping is in your own wardrobe. Understanding more about your style will actually save money in the long term - when you know what you’ve got in your wardrobe and what colours and styles suit you, so you’ll make fewer mistakes.


There’s no denying that investing some time in discovering more about your style is a better investment. There’s a lot of information out there - this blog is a tiny corner of the style information out there! And that’s before we even start on fashion. Getting help from a professional will of course fast track this and lead you on your style journey.


The biggest barrier to us wearing the clothes we want is confidence. The women I speak to are scared of making mistakes or think they can’t pull off dressing the way they’d like to or just aren’t sure how to dress their body shape, which may not be what it was when they were younger or before they had children.

All of this leads to staying in the style safe zone (the style rut) and not moving forward with your style. Obviously I’m an advocate of moving forward and evolving your style and if any of this sounds familiar, I’m very glad you’re here and would like to start taking steps towards dressing in a way that truly reflects you.


Here are just a few ways you can start to evolve your style.

  1. Get out of the rut
    If you are in, say, a jeans and jumper rut, make it your goal to not wear jeans and a jumper for one week.

  2. Take a selfie
    Taking a mirror selfie of your outfit will help you look at it more objectively and help you see where you could make improvements. When we look in the mirror, we only see what we think are our flaws - the selfie helps us see things slightly more objectively.

  3. Wear something old and evaluate
    Wear something you haven’t worn in ages and ask yourself at the end of the day how you felt in it. What is it about it that you don’t like - or maybe now you’ve worn it again, you do like it!

  4. Pinterest inspiration
    Hop over to Pinterest and find some inspiration - copy an outfit you find on Pinterest using existing items in your wardrobe. You can even type in ‘red cardigan’ or whatever piece you’re struggling to incorporate into an outfit.

  5. Accessorise!
    I’m like a stuck record when I say start with accessories. But just putting a little bit of effort in to how you put your outfits together will really make a big difference to how you feel that day.

Download my free guide to accessorising below and do let me know if there’s anything else stopping you from wearing the clothes you want.

I’d love to hear from you.
